So much going on

Yes, yes, I know, another break between posts. I’m going to try to write more in here, and not necessarily just about my ADHD struggles.

There’s been so much going on the past few months, it’s been ridiculous.

  • I taught something like 15 workshops over the course of September and the first two weeks of October. It was crazy and overwhelming and tiring and I had fun.
  • I just finished two back-to-back conferences. At the first one, I only presented once, but at the second I did four presentations. And I was on the conference planning committee. I was SO busy and so social. I caught up with lots of conference friends. I forgot to eat constantly. I ran myself ragged. And I loved every minute of it.

Now things might be finally calming down, which is good. I need to ramble about getting off birth control at some point, and talk about how my brain turned from a vaguely depressed blob to a barely controlled dumpster fire. (which really sucked.) The dumpster fire is mostly extinguished, though, thanks to medication changes. Thank god for medication. I wouldn’t be able to function without it.

Anyhow, more later – just figured I’d pop in and say I’m alive, and that the past few months have been ridiculous.